Saturday, August 8, 2009

Selling those damned 78s

If you're reading this, you've already realized selling 78's is a tough proposition.

Here's a quick overview -

If you have any blues (and I mean real blues - Robert Johnson, John Lee Hooker, etc = not Lonesome Shepherd Blues from the Willy Mack Honkytonk Band)definitely auction them - true rarities like Robert Johnson or nearly anyone else from the prewar era - 1930's - go for big bucks generally. We're talking a couple grand and up. These you would probably do better selling to a dealer like John Tefteller outright, who has the customers for that kind of material. Other,later blues, auction on eBay (after researching completed listings and on GEMM)

Early rock can do decently. Some classic country (Hank Williams Sr., Johnny Cash)And some bluegrass.

So what do you do with the rest? I suggest sorting by label and genre, since that's how a lot of people collect them. Stick them in your eBay store at maybe $1 per 78, and check the best offers box. Consider listing on bonanzle, ecrater, or even Craigs List.

The advantage to the other sites is no charge AND you can set your own s&h fee - 78's are a pain to package - you absolutely have to double box them. Make sure there's no shifting in your first box, then put it in a second box with a minimum of 2" packing material all the way around. Make sure you charge enough for this - most 78 collectors understand.

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